Small Hands to Do
Big Things
We help those battling trauma, Executive Functioning, life-altering medical conditions & more

Small Hands to Do
Big Things
We help those battling trauma, cognitive issues, life-altering medical conditions & more

Why Occupational Therapy?
Occupational Therapy (OT) treatment focuses on helping people with physical disabilities, sensory-motor difficulties, developmental delays, and cognitive disabilities live as independently as possible in all areas of their lives.

Bridging the Gap
We truly believe that OT is the missing link for many kids. We aim to bridge the gap between difficulties in everyday life to a higher level of independence/success.

Clinic Updates
Kidz First Therapy Cancellation Policy
- 23-Hours or Less= Charge is $22 per 15 minutes of scheduled appointment time
- 23-Hours or more= No Charge
- 2 Cancels per calendar year/per child= Is allowed with less than 23-hours notice
- No Exceptions after 2 misses
- Late cancellation fee will not be charged if the client completes a virtual visit. This can be with the client or parent training.
- Late arrival/pick-up fee= 5-22 minutes $22
- Inclement Weather Policies with no Clinic Closure=(Telehealth with no Charge)
- KFT sends 24-hour Email reminders, or optional text for $25/calendar year per client, up to 2 phone numbers.
- ALL SCHEDULE CHANGES AND CANCELLATIONS MUST GO THROUGH THE FRONT DESK. Our cancellation line 816-446-9018, and email [email protected], both of which are available 24-hours a day, 7 days a week. Therapists cannot take cancellations.
- All patients are required to have a credit card on file. Cancellation fees will be charged at the time of missed appointment.
Inclement Weather Policy
When a storm Is expected or traveling on the roads could be dangerous, the clinic usually closes. Please call the clinic and check our social media for closure Information, if you are unsure of the weather status. If Lee's Summit School District closes for the day, all appointments prior to 10 am will automatically be canceled for “in person” therapy and we will reach out to reschedule. Anything scheduled at 10 am or later will continue as scheduled unless we notify you directly. We understand that some families live far away or In remote locations where travel could be more severely Impacted by the weather. In situations where you may choose to stay home with your child, we need to be notified by 9 am that you will not be attending in person. Alternative accommodation for therapy Is available in most situations. At Kidz First Therapy we are committed to your child receiving their prescribed scheduled appointment, so our therapists are ready to provide therapy via teletherapy. Do not worry if your child is not of the age to sit in front of the screen, we can utilize this session to communicate with you regarding your child’s goals, progress, strategies for home programming, etc. Please do not underestimate your child’s ability to meet with their therapist over a screen. Our therapists are equipped with treatment strategies specifically for these situations. Regression Is not an option during times of Inclement weather. If you are not able to attend your session In person, then we will plan to provide teletherapy. If you choose to cancel Instead of doing teletherapy session you will be charged the cancellation fee (refer to cancellation policy)